
Bishop Briggs - “Champion” “贏家“ (中文翻譯)(中英文對照)

Champion “贏家“ Alone in my car 獨自在車上 I'm in a parking lot 我在一座停車場 Darkest spot in my mind 心裡最黑暗的角落 My tongue is dry 我的口舌乾枯 Why do I crumble quickly 為何我如此快速潰堤 Stumble swiftly 左右搖晃不停 Cursing myself 詛咒我自己 I burned the furniture 我燃燒了所有傢俱 A million times in my head 上百萬次在我腦海中 I'm feeling low 我感到低落 Got nowhere to go 感到無處可去 But back up again 但我仍再度爬起來 You gotta get bruised 你必須受過傷 Before you get mad 才懂得憤怒 You gotta fall down 你必須跌倒過 Before you fight back 才懂怎麼反擊回去 Was feeling so weak 曾覺得自己如此脆弱 But baby I'm strong 但寶貝我是堅強的 Little did I know 而我沒發現的是 I'm a champion 我其實是贏家 I'm a champion 我是一個贏家 I'm a champion 我是一個贏家 I'm a champion 我是一個贏家 Nobody said 沒有人說 It'd be an easy ride 這會是趟輕鬆的旅程 Obstacles in my way 總有障礙在路途中 Scars never change 那些傷痕從未改變 Why do I crumble quickly 為何我如此快速潰堤 Stumble swiftly

Imagine Dragons - "Natural",謎幻樂團-"天生好手" 中文歌詞翻譯(中英對照)

Imagine Dragons - "Natural"中文歌詞翻譯(中英對照) 謎幻樂團-"天生好手" Will you hold the line? (你會不會堅守底線?) When every one of them has given up and given in, tell me (當所有人都已放棄和讓步,告訴我) In this house of mine (在我身處的這世界) Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost, tell me (沒有任何事可以不需後果或付出,告訴我) Will the stars align? (星星會不會奇蹟排成列?) Will heaven step in? Will it save us from our sin? Will it? (天堂是否存在?祂是否給予我們的罪救贖?祂會嗎?) 'Cause this house of mine stands strong (因我身處要如此堅忍不拔活著的世界) That's the price you pay (那是你要付出的代價) Leave behind your heart and cast away (背離你的本心然後拋下自我) Just another product of today (只是另一個今日下的產物) Rather be the hunter than the prey (比起作為獵物更寧願當獵手) And you're standing on the edge, face up 'cause you're a... (而你站在懸崖邊目光朝上,因為你是...) Natural (天生好手) A beating heart of stone (鐵石心腸地行動) You gotta be so cold (你必須夠冷酷) To make it in this world (才能在這世界存活) Yeah, you're a natural (是啊,你是天生的生存好手) Living your

Ed Sheeran - "Photograph",紅髮艾德 - "相片" 中文歌詞翻譯(中英對照)

Ed Sheeran - "Photograph"中文歌詞翻譯(中英對照) 紅髮艾德 - "相片" Loving can hurt, (愛會傷人) Loving can hurt sometimes (愛有時會傷人) But it's the only thing that I know (但愛你是我唯一熟知的事情) When it gets hard, (當愛遭遇困難) You know it can get hard sometimes (你知道愛 有時 會有波折) It is the only thing that makes us feel alive (正只有如此起伏才能讓我們感受活著) We keep this love in a photograph (我們將這份愛刻留成相片) We made these memories for ourselves (我們為自己留下了這些回憶) Where our eyes are never closing (留在相片裡我們雙眼不曾闔上) Our hearts were never broken (那裏我們永遠不會心碎) And time's forever frozen, still (而且時間永遠凍結,靜止) So you can keep me (如此你能 將我放進 ) Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans (你刷破牛仔褲的口袋裡) Holding me close until our eyes meet (緊握我直到我們眼神相遇) You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home (你就不會再孤單寂寞,等待我回到家中) Loving can heal (愛可以療癒) Loving can mend your soul (愛可以撫平你的心靈) And it's the only thing that I know, know (而 愛你是我唯一熟知的事情)

Lukas Graham - Love Someone 盧卡斯葛拉漢樂團 - " 深愛一個人 "中文歌詞翻譯(中英對照)

Lukas Graham - Love Someone  中文歌詞翻譯(中英對照) 盧卡斯葛拉漢樂團  -  " 深愛一個人 " There are days   (有些時日) I wake up and I pinch myself                  (我醒來並捏捏自己的臉) You're with me, not someone else          (你在我身旁而不是某人的身邊) And I'm scared, yeah, I'm still scared      (我很害怕,對啊,還是很害怕) That it's all a dream                                 (這一切都只是場美夢) 'Cause you still look perfect as days go by        (不管多少日子過去你 依舊 看來完美) Even the worst ones, you make me smile          (即使最糟的日子你仍令我微笑) I'd stop the world if it gave us time                      (如果能止住時間我願為你停下全世界) 'Cause when you love someone                        (因為當你深愛一個人) You open up your heart                                     (你會敞開你的心房) When you love someone                                   (當你深愛一個人) You make room                                                  (你會騰出位置在心上) If you love someone                                           (如果你深愛一個人) And you're not afraid to lose